The L Sisters on Animal Fear!
Have you ever felt paralyzed by fear; not knowing what is going to happen to you—just hoping to survive ?
That’s what animals go through in MANY situations in our greedy, human-centric culture!
Of course this fear the animal has is also present when it is in danger from a predator—but we humans are not their natural predators unless we make ourselves SUPERIOR to these creatures—for any reason at all; food production, entertainment; research!
If YOU have ever felt paralyzed by fear at the hands of someone who wishes to do you harm, or by being in a traffic accident the ADRENALIN pushes into your system by instinct. You must learn (if you don’t already now) that animals FEEL the same adrenalin rush when danger comes upon it. The animal is trapped with no way of getting out. HE IS JUST LIKE YOU! HE FEELS THE SAME THREAT THAT YOU FEEL.
Those of us who grew up in simpler times, when factory farms were not in existence; when research on animals in laboratories was VERY limited, remember grade school textbooks having images of cows in pastures; hens in a farm yard, and horses leisurely enjoying a grassy pasture! SURE there was animal abuse even then, BUT NOT ON SUCH A LARGE SCALE, and without oversight from the public because there didn’t have to be . As we have exposed sexual abuse in the workplace; childrens’ rights in a school setting, tenants rights while renting, we MUST bring this out for people to see!