The Secret Chord
The Secret Chord This is a book by Geraldine Brooks. She does a good job with historical fiction. Here she tells the story of the...
The Secret Chord This is a book by Geraldine Brooks. She does a good job with historical fiction. Here she tells the story of the...
This first novel by Nobel Prize Winner Kazio Ishiguro is a beautiful narrative that is both surprising and satisfying. It takes place...
Mass Shootings ---Reflections Upon the Real Reasons The young man doesn’t have: PLACE IDENTITY—where his ancestors lived and where he...
The Decameron-1350’s ---- The Decameron is an all but forgotten piece of literature from a very important period of time—THE...
Boccaccio- the Decameron DAY 2—The theme of Day 2 is FORTUNE___how things turn out fortunately! DAY 2: Stories about ...
Boccaccio’s Decameron---Day 3 ON THE THIRD DAY, the company of friends come upon a lovely palace with beautiful rooms and a...
Day 4 –Story 1 as told by Filostrato. The overall theme of Day 4 stories is:love stories with unhappy endings! Tancred,...
Boccaccio- Decameron Day 5 THESE stories have the theme of HAPPY ENDINGS First Day—Story 1 Pamfilo Aristippus, a wealthy...
Boccaccio the Decameron—Day 6 Stories With Day 6 approaching the crown is put on Elisa’s head. She tells the group that...
Boccaccio The Decameron---Day 7 Stories The Queen gives Dineo the Crown. The theme for Day 7 is tricks women have ...
Day Eight--- Boccaccio’s Decameron Day 8’s stories are about pranks that husbands play upon their wives. Day 8 Story 1 ...
Boccaccio De Cameron- Day 9 Stories Ciacco tells Biondello about a dinner party—but not much is being served. Ciacco plays ...
Boccaccio’s Decameron Day 10 The theme is take whatever subject you like that show those distinguished by deeds or love....
A Little Bit About the Soul Wisława Szymborska July 2000 Issue Translated by Joanna Trzeciak A soul is something we have every now and...
This poem by an American poet has a strong Buddhist feeling to it. Whose favorite poem Is this? Can you guess?...
Nothing is sweeter than Love; and every other joy is second to it: even the honey I spit out of my mouth. Thus Nossis says: and who...