Have you ever even thought about animals stuck in labs for the rest of their lives--with no ability to fight their handlers!
You don't think about it because you don't SEE it! None of us wants to even think about it--but we MUST!
What we do to them must not be done to ANY living thing!
AND- what we feel we can do to them, we can do to human beings eventually because we are anesthesized to the cruelty. We pardon it, because we feel we need our jobs, or because others accept it, or because it is JUST an animal, or because we just don't want to think about it.
PlEASE help us IN THEIR NAME to do something about it.
Donate to organizations who do DO SOMETHING to stop this! E-mail us at speakupforus.com and tell us what you think.
Also, if you have ideas about how we can further this message with individuals and groups let us know. We are just ordinary citizens living ordinary lives who WANT to do something.